Primo Service


Welcome to the Future of Payments: Secure, Simple, Reliable

Welcome to our cutting-edge payment service website! We are your premier destination for seamless, secure, and convenient financial transactions. Whether you're a small business owner, an online merchant, or an individual looking for hassle-free payment solutions, we've got you covered.

At our platform, we prioritize simplicity and reliability. Our user-friendly interface ensures that sending and receiving payments is a breeze, allowing you to focus on what matters most – growing your business or managing your finances with ease.

With state-of-the-art encryption and security protocols, you can trust that your sensitive information is safeguarded at every step of the transaction process. Say goodbye to worries about data breaches or unauthorized access – we take the security of your funds and personal details seriously.

But we're more than just a payment gateway – we're your partner in success. Our dedicated support team is here to assist you every step of the way, whether you have questions about our services or need help resolving an issue. Your satisfaction is our top priority.

Join the thousands of satisfied customers who rely on us for their payment needs. Discover the difference our platform can make for you – sign up today and experience the future of payments!

360° Payment management

A united team



  • Apertura del mercato italiano
    Il team oggi in Primo Service, al tempo in un'altra realtà, apre il mercato italiano per un fornitore di pagamento europeo, focalizzandosi sul mercato Retail
  • Avvio nuova legal entity
    Usciti dalla realtà precedente, i founders danno vita alla nuova legal entity
  • brevetto
    Deposito Brevetto
    Viene depositato un brevetto per una tecnologia di pagamento innovativa


Contattaci per un'analisi gratuita del tuo sistema di pagamento